The Ultimate Guide to Marketing Your Real Estate Property Video
In today’s digital age, video marketing is a powerful tool for real estate professionals. A well-produced property video can showcase a home’s unique features, create an emotional connection with potential buyers, and ultimately drive sales. But simply creating a video isn’t enough—you need to ensure it reaches the right audience. Here’s your ultimate guide to marketing your real estate property video effectively.
1. Leverage Social Media Platforms
Social media is one of the most effective ways to get your property video in front of potential buyers. Here’s how to make the most of it:
Targeted Ads: Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube allow you to run ads that target specific demographics, such as location, age, and income level. This ensures your video is seen by those most likely to be interested in the property.
Organic Posting: Don’t forget to post your video organically on your social media profiles, including Instagram Reels, Facebook, LinkedIn, and TikTok. Use relevant hashtags like #realestate, #propertyforsale, and #dreamhome to increase visibility.
Engage with Followers: Interaction is key on social media. Respond to comments, share the video in relevant groups, and encourage your followers to share it with their networks to increase reach.
2. Optimize for Search Engines (SEO)
Search engine optimization (SEO) is crucial for making sure your video gets found online:
YouTube Optimization: YouTube is the second-largest search engine, making it a vital platform for real estate videos. Optimize your video title, description, and tags with relevant keywords (e.g., "Luxury Home in [City]," "Real Estate Tour"). Add a compelling thumbnail and a detailed description with links to the property listing to drive traffic.
Video Transcription: Including a transcription of your video on your website or blog can improve SEO. Search engines can index this text, making your video more discoverable.
Embed on Website: Embedding the video on the property’s landing page with a keyword-rich description not only enhances SEO but also improves the user experience for site visitors.
3. Email Marketing Campaigns
Email remains a highly effective marketing tool, especially when it comes to showcasing property videos:
Property Showcase Emails: Include the video in your regular property showcase emails sent to your database of leads, past clients, and potential buyers. Be sure to include a strong call-to-action (CTA) encouraging viewers to schedule a viewing.
Personalized Outreach: Sending personalized emails with the video link to potential buyers who have shown interest in similar properties can increase engagement and lead to more inquiries.
4. Collaborate with Local Influencers and Real Estate Blogs
Influencer marketing and content collaborations can expand your video’s reach significantly:
Influencer Marketing: Partner with local influencers or real estate bloggers who have a significant following. They can share your video with their audience, increasing visibility and credibility.
Guest Posts: Writing guest posts for local real estate blogs and embedding your video within the content is a great way to drive traffic and enhance SEO.
5. Use Property Listing Websites
Maximize exposure by uploading your video to popular real estate listing websites:
Enhanced Listings: Platforms like Zillow,, and Trulia allow you to add videos to your listings, which can significantly boost the property’s appeal.
Virtual Tours: Many platforms offer features for virtual tours or 3D walkthroughs. Including your video in these listings makes them more interactive and engaging, which can attract more viewers.
6. Host Virtual Open Houses
Virtual open houses are an excellent way to showcase a property to a wide audience without the need for in-person visits:
Live Streaming: Host live virtual open houses using platforms like Facebook Live, Instagram Live, or Zoom. This allows potential buyers to interact in real-time, ask questions, and get a closer look at the property.
Recording and Sharing: Record the live session and share it across your social media platforms and website for those who couldn’t attend live.
7. Paid Video Distribution
Sometimes, a little financial investment can go a long way in ensuring your video reaches the right audience:
Google Ads: Run a YouTube ad campaign using Google Ads to place your video in front of people actively searching for real estate in your area.
Retargeting: Use retargeting ads to show your video to users who have previously visited your website or viewed similar properties, keeping your listing top of mind.
8. Utilize Real Estate CRM Tools
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tools can help you effectively manage and market your video:
Automated Follow-ups: Use your real estate CRM to send automated follow-ups with the video to potential buyers. The CRM can track who watches the video and for how long, allowing you to focus on high-interest leads.
Lead Nurturing: Set up a lead nurturing campaign that periodically shares the video with prospects who have expressed interest in properties within a similar price range or location.
9. Offline Marketing Strategies
While digital marketing is crucial, don’t overlook traditional methods:
QR Codes: Include a QR code on printed marketing materials, such as brochures and flyers, that links directly to the video. This allows potential buyers to easily view the video from their mobile devices.
Showcase at Open Houses: Play the video on a loop during open houses or property showings to give attendees an immersive overview of the property.
10. Collaborate with Other Agents
Networking with other real estate agents can also help in marketing your property video:
Agent Networking: Share the video with other agents in your network. They may have clients who are looking for a property like yours and can help spread the word.
By combining these strategies, you can ensure that your real estate property video not only reaches a wide audience but also engages potential buyers and drives interest in the property. Remember, the key to success is a well-rounded approach that leverages both online and offline marketing channels. With the right strategy, your property video can become a powerful tool in your real estate marketing arsenal.
High-Quality Audio is Crucial for Your Real Estate Videos!
Statistics show that 60% of viewers will skip over a video with poor audio within the first 15 seconds. This rapid decision highlights just how critical high-quality audio is for capturing and maintaining your audience’s attention. In the world of real estate marketing, video has become an essential tool for showcasing properties and engaging potential buyers. While stunning visuals often take center stage, high-quality audio is just as important—and sometimes, even more so. Here’s why investing in superior audio quality can make a significant difference in the effectiveness of your real estate videos.
1. Clear Communication: The Key to Engagement
Quick Skips: Statistics reveal that 60% of viewers will skip over a video with poor audio within the first 15 seconds. For instance, imagine a real estate agent giving a tour of a spacious, empty home with a lot of echo. If the audio picks up the echo and makes the agent’s voice sound distant or unclear, viewers might struggle to understand what’s being said. This distraction can quickly lead them to skip the video, missing out on important details about the property.
Understanding Matters: Clear audio ensures that your message is conveyed accurately. Whether you're providing a property tour, discussing features, or narrating a story, high-quality audio helps viewers easily understand and connect with the content.
Avoiding Miscommunication: Poor audio can lead to misunderstandings or missed details. Viewers might struggle to follow along, which can diminish their interest and reduce the overall impact of your video.
2. Enhancing Professionalism
First Impressions Count: High-quality audio reflects your commitment to professionalism. Crisp, clear sound signals that you pay attention to every detail, which can enhance your credibility and make a positive impression on potential clients.
Building Trust: Viewers are more likely to trust a video with high-quality audio, as it suggests that you’ve invested in producing content that meets high standards. This trust can translate into increased client engagement and interest.
3. Creating a Captivating Viewing Experience
Immersive Atmosphere: Good audio enhances the overall experience by creating an immersive atmosphere. High-quality sound can capture the ambiance of a property, from the gentle hum of a modern kitchen to the serene sounds of a garden, making the video more engaging.
Reducing Distractions: Clear audio helps maintain viewer focus. Background noise, echoes, or poor sound quality can be distracting and take away from the property’s appeal. High-quality audio ensures that viewers stay engaged with the content.
4. Boosting Search Engine Visibility
Improved SEO: Search engines consider various factors when ranking video content. High-quality audio, combined with relevant keywords and clear narration, can improve your video’s SEO, making it more likely to appear in search results and reach a larger audience.
Enhanced Accessibility: Well-produced audio can also aid accessibility. Accurate and clear sound makes it easier for those with hearing impairments to follow along, potentially expanding your audience.
5. Standing Out in a Competitive Market
Differentiation: In a crowded real estate market, high-quality audio can set your videos apart from the competition. Investing in professional sound can make your content more memorable and engaging, helping you stand out and attract more potential buyers.
Brand Image: Consistently using high-quality audio reinforces your brand’s image as a professional and detail-oriented service provider, which can help build a strong and positive reputation.
6. Ensuring Consistent Quality
Avoiding Fixes: Investing in good audio equipment or professional services upfront reduces the need for costly and time-consuming fixes later. High-quality audio captures clear sound from the start, saving you from the hassle of re-recording or extensive post-production work.
Long-Term Value: High-quality audio equipment or services provide long-term benefits. They enhance the quality of all your videos, ensuring that each piece of content you produce maintains a high standard.
Incorporating high-quality audio into your real estate videos isn’t just about adding a professional touch—it’s about enhancing the overall effectiveness of your marketing efforts. Clear, crisp sound ensures that your message is communicated effectively, creates a more engaging viewing experience, and helps you stand out in a competitive market. Investing in top-notch audio will pay off in the form of increased viewer engagement, improved brand perception, and better overall results for your real estate business.

Why Outsourcing Photo Editing Might Not Be the Best Choice for Your Listings
As photographers who works closely with real estate professionals, we understand the pressures you face in delivering high-quality images quickly. We can immediately spot an outsourced edit, the obvious giveaway is a saturated beach picture placed over the tv or a fake fire placed into the fireplace. Most overseas edits are done in HDR (high dynamic range), and any photographer can spot an HDR edit from a mile away. 

What is problematic when it comes to photo editing, there are many companies who rely on outsourcing their editing overseas, which might seem like a quick fix, but it can come with significant drawbacks that could affect your business.

Here’s why:

Ethical and Legal Concerns
Child Labor Risks: Outsourcing photo editing to overseas companies raises ethical concerns, including the potential for child labor. Some regions have less stringent labor laws, and there’s a risk that your project could be handled by workers who are underage or working in poor conditions. Supporting companies with strict ethical standards is crucial for ensuring fair and humane working practices.
2. There are Security and Privacy Risks
Data Vulnerability: Sharing raw images, especially those containing sensitive details, with an external company can expose your data to potential security breaches.
Proprietary Techniques at Risk: We’ve developed specific editing techniques that help your listings shine. When you outsource, those techniques could be copied or misused, diminishing our competitive edge.
3. It Can Impact Your Client Relationships
Perception of Quality: Clients who discover that key aspects of their marketing are outsourced might question the value they’re getting. This can affect their trust and satisfaction with your services.
Lack of Personalization: Outsourced editing often lacks the personalized attention to detail that we provide, which is crucial in creating images that truly represent the unique features of each property.
4. Turnaround Times Can Be Unreliable
Time Zone Differences: Many outsourcing companies are based overseas, which means their working hours might not align with yours. This can cause delays, especially if revisions are needed quickly.
Extended Deadlines: Relying on a third-party editor can add days to your turnaround time, making it harder to get your listings on the market quickly—a crucial factor in the real estate business.
5. Hidden Costs Add Up
Revisions Can Be Costly: Many outsourcing companies charge extra for revisions, which can quickly increase your costs, especially if the initial edits don’t meet expectations.
Unpredictable Pricing: The cost of outsourcing can fluctuate based on the complexity and volume of work, making it harder to stick to a budget.

Quality Control is Out of Your Hands
Varying Skill Levels: Not all editors are created equal. The skill level and attention to detail can vary widely, leading to images that may not meet the high standards we aim for.

Inaccurate Colors: Editors didn't see the true colors in the home and have very little basis of understanding the true colors or lighting based on the images they receive. They will often desaturate colors or white balance incorrectly in an attempt to make the image look "cleaner" but the end result is a false representation of the home. 
Generic Results: Some outsourcing services prioritize speed, leading to batch processing that can result in generic, less impactful images. Your listings deserve a personalized touch that makes them stand out.
7. Dependency on External Vendors
Vendor Reliability Issues: Relying on an external editor means you’re at the mercy of their reliability. Any issues on their end can delay your project and affect your business.

Communication Gaps: Explaining your style to an external editor isn’t always straightforward. Miscommunication can lead to edits that don’t align with what you envisioned, requiring more time to fix errors and get the look you want.

Challenges in Switching Providers: If you’re not satisfied with the outsourced work, transitioning to a new provider can be disruptive and time-consuming.

You Lose Creative Control
Inconsistent Quality: When you outsource, the final images may not reflect the vision we’ve crafted together. Editing is an art, and when it’s in the hands of someone unfamiliar with your brand or specific needs, the results can be inconsistent.
Outsourcing photo editing may seem convenient, but it often comes with hidden costs and risks that can compromise the quality and consistency of your real estate marketing. By keeping the editing process in-house or working directly with a trusted photographer, you ensure that your listings always look their best and uphold ethical standards.
To Video or Not To Video...?

There is evidence suggesting that professional video can help sell a home quicker. Several studies and industry reports have highlighted the impact of high-quality video marketing on real estate sales. Here are some key points:
1. Increased Engagement: Listings with videos attract more interest from potential buyers. According to the National Association of Realtors (NAR), real estate listings with videos receive 403% more inquiries compared to those without videos.
2. Better Visualization: Professional videos provide a more immersive experience, allowing potential buyers to get a better feel of the property. This can be particularly effective for out-of-town buyers who cannot visit the property in person.
3. Higher Perceived Value: A well-produced video can showcase the property's best features, making it stand out from other listings. This can create a higher perceived value, potentially leading to quicker sales and even higher offers.
4. Increased Shareability: Videos are more likely to be shared on social media and other platforms, increasing the exposure of the listing. This wider reach can lead to a larger pool of interested buyers and a faster sale.
5. Competitive Advantage: In a competitive market, professional videos can give a listing an edge over others. Sellers who use video marketing are often seen as more serious and committed, which can attract more motivated buyers.
Several real estate agencies and platforms have reported faster sales and higher engagement when professional videos are used in their marketing strategies. For instance, a report by Redfin indicated that homes marketed with high-quality videos tend to sell faster and for more money compared to those without.
Overall, the evidence points to professional video being a valuable tool in the real estate marketing arsenal, contributing to quicker and potentially more profitable home sales. Real estate agents who commission our videos are likely to experience much more engagement with the home listed, become more well known on social media, and tend to get more listings. 
Why is my home not selling?! 
The biggest factor we have encountered has always been "We have been shopping online but so many of the houses don't have pictures" or "The pictures are so bad it looks like a dungeon, I don't want to live in a dungeon!"

Obviously we're a little biased when it comes to the photos side of things but when a property has bad photos, cell phone shots or were taken by someone who doesn't know what they're doing it will have an effect on the way potential buyers see your home. 

But that's not the only factor, your home may not be getting any attention for a number of reasons, which can vary by location and market conditions. Here are some common factors that can affect the sale of homes:
1. **Economic Conditions:** Economic downturns, job insecurity, or a weak job market can reduce people's ability to purchase homes.
2. **High Prices:** If home prices have risen significantly, it may deter potential buyers, especially first-time buyers.
3. **Interest Rates:** Higher mortgage interest rates can make homeownership less affordable, reducing demand.
4. **Inventory:** A lack of available homes for sale in a particular area can slow down the market as buyers have fewer options.
5. **Market Saturation:** In some areas, there may be too many homes on the market, leading to increased competition among sellers.
6. **Seasonal Factors:** The time of year can affect home sales. For instance, the market may be slower during the winter months.
7. **Economic Uncertainty:** Economic or political uncertainties can make potential buyers cautious about making a long-term investment like a home.
8. **Credit Conditions:** Stricter lending standards or difficulties in securing a mortgage can limit the pool of eligible buyers.
9. **Terrible home description:** Let's face it, labelling a home as "Investor Special", "Cozy", "Lots of Potential", or "Unique" is a sure fire way to scare off buyers. Knowing your target audience is key!
10. **Seller Expectations:** Unrealistic price expectations from sellers can lead to homes staying on the market longer.
It's important to note that real estate markets can be highly localized, and conditions can change rapidly. It's advisable to consult with a local real estate expert to understand the specific factors influencing the housing market in your area, which we of course have developed a network of agents ready to serve your needs. 
Blending Frames: The Power of Combining Exposures in Real Estate Photography
As a real estate photographer, our goal is to showcase properties in their best light and help potential buyers envision themselves in their future homes. However, achieving this goal can be challenging when you're working with limited lighting conditions, cluttered spaces, and other environmental factors that can negatively impact the final image. That's where blending frames comes in - an advanced editing technique that can help you create stunning real estate photos that stand out from the competition.
What is blending frames? Blending frames involves taking multiple exposures of the same scene and merging them together in post-processing to create a single, high-quality image. By using this technique, you can capture a wider range of tones, colors, and details than would be possible with a single RAW photo. This can result in images with greater dynamic range, better color balance, and more visual impact.
Why blending frames is important in real estate photography. When it comes to real estate photography, it's all about showcasing the property in the best possible light. By blending frames, you can create images that are more visually appealing and highlight the key features of the property. For example, if you're photographing a room with a window, you may need to take multiple exposures to capture both the interior and exterior without sacrificing detail in either area. Blending frames allows you to combine these exposures seamlessly, resulting in an image that is both well-balanced and realistic. These results can not be achieved with a single raw image and especially not with a cell phone snapshot. 
Another advantage of blending frames is the ability to remove unwanted elements from the photo. For instance, if there's a cluttered area in the room that you want to remove, you can take a photo without the clutter and blend it with the original photo to create a clean, uncluttered image.
How to blend frames in real estate photography. It's simple, call us! We'll do the heavy lifting for you! Blending frames involves several steps, including capturing multiple exposures, importing them into editing software, and merging them together. While this technique requires advanced editing skills, it's well worth the effort when you see the stunning results.
Capture multiple exposures of the same scene, varying the shutter speed or aperture to capture different levels of light. The images to the right will be used as our examples. The first image was exposed for the interior of the shot but blows out the windows so you can't see the exterior view, YUCK! The second image was exposed to show the exterior then a flash is set off to help to lift the under exposed area of the interior and the third image is the final result of the blending process. 
Now we're not going to give away all of our secrets, and besides that we take the time to blend images to give your listing the best possible results. We don't rush your listings on site like some do. Further we've streamlined the process to be able to deliver photos to you on the same day 99% of the time. We're so confident in our editing process we guarantee you 24 hour turnaround time.
Blending frames is a powerful tool in real estate photography that can take your images to the next level. By combining multiple exposures, you can capture a wider range of tones, colors, and details, resulting in images that are more visually appealing and showcase the property in its best light. While blending frames requires advanced editing skills, the effort is well worth it when you see the stunning results.
The Competitive Edge

Are you looking to take your real estate business to the next level? One way to stand out from the competition and attract more buyers is by using professional real estate photography. High-quality photos can make your listings look more attractive and help potential buyers visualize themselves living in the property. Here are some of the key benefits of using One Shot Media for professional real estate photography:
Better Online Presence: In today's digital age, most homebuyers start their search online. That's why it's essential to have high-quality photos that showcase the property in the best possible light. Professional photographers have the equipment and expertise to capture stunning images that highlight the home's best features and make it stand out from the competition.
Faster Sales: Homes that are listed with professional photos tend to sell faster and at a higher price point than those without. That's because the photos make a strong first impression and generate more interest from potential buyers. When a home is presented in the best possible light, it's more likely to attract multiple offers and sell quickly.
More Showings: Professional real estate photography can also help attract more showings. When potential buyers see the beautiful photos, they're more likely to schedule a showing to see the property in person. And the more showings you have, the greater the chances of receiving an offer.
Professionalism: By using professional real estate photography, you're demonstrating your commitment to quality and professionalism. It shows that you're willing to invest in your business and go the extra mile to ensure your clients' satisfaction. This can help build trust and credibility with potential clients and lead to more referrals and repeat business.
At One Shot Media, we understand the importance of professional real estate photography in today's competitive market. That's why we offer high-quality photography services to help you showcase your listings in the best possible light. Contact us today to learn more about our photography services and how they can help you sell more listings.
How we stand apart from the competition

Flash Ambient Photography: An Innovative Technique for Creating Stunning Images

Have you ever looked at a photo of a home and then when you visit the home it looks nothing like the photo? This can be explained simply, the photographer didn't take the time to do the job right. Chances are likely the photographer came into the house, snaps a single image and then moves on to the next angle. He will do this to get in and out as fast as he can. But the results are terrible, blown out windows, color casts that hide the true colors in the home, light blooms on ceilings, blown out light fixtures and all around terrible photos. 
This home may be your client's biggest investment!
I myself in the past, have created a bad habit of ignoring the photos on real estate listings in Abilene for this very reason. It seemed the only real estate photographer in town cared very little about the images being produced and was only focused on volume. We've received so many inquiries from real estate agents in the DFW area since opening One Shot Media and the feedback is always the same. They are thankful to have an alternative and we've received so much positive feedback on our product, we are grateful for these uplifting comments received. 
Our methods have helped us to establish relationships with over 50 real estate agents in Abilene and the surrounding areas. So what do they know that other agents don't? They know that we blend flash and ambient light to produce publication worthy shots that sell homes faster. 
The hard truth: Agents with smartphone pictures and discount photographers do more harm than good for their clients in marketing. We have seen it so many times, a home just sits on the market for long periods because the photos don't capture the eyes of the buyer. That's a hefty price to pay when your client decides to hire another agent! This might not be a popular statement but it's a hard truth that aspiring agents need to hear. Like it or not your clients will talk about their experiences with you and word of mouth is more powerful than any marketing campaign. 
Flash ambient photography, also known as "balancing flash with ambient light," is a photographic technique utilized by professionals to produce breathtaking images with evenly distributed lighting. It involves the amalgamation of two separate photos - one involving a flash to correctly expose the home's interior and the other comprising of a longer exposure to capture the ambient light in the home. This produces a final image with a combination of ambient light and a sharply-exposed subject.
This technique is often employed in situations with minimal lighting where the available light is insufficient to properly expose the subject without the introduction of light artifacts and bloom. By merging photos involving flash and ambient light, photographers can seize both the subject and its surroundings with a balanced distribution of light, culminating in unique and captivating images.
To achieve this effect, the photographer captures two separate photos: one with flash and one with a longer exposure to capture the ambient light in the background. The two images are then combined in post-processing to produce a final image with evenly distributed lighting.
The process of merging the two photos necessitates careful attention to detail to ensure that the subject and background match up seamlessly. This can be done manually utilizing layer masks and blending modes in editing software such as Photoshop, or through specialized software specifically tailored for combining flash and ambient light photos.
The images to the right are a reflection of how the human eye sees the scene, not how the camera captures it! The first image shows the true colors of the home with detail outside of the window, after all the buyer is purchasing the view as well!! The image of the bathroom shows the lighting fixtures as they would appear in real life, as well as the lighting in the hallway has been blended to show even lighting across the image as your eye sees it in true life. This can not be replicated in a single photo! Sorry smartphone users, your phone simply can not do this. The third image of the fireplace also shows colors in the flames as well as the exterior of the home. Again all hand blended by our team to ensure accurate visuals of the home. 
Flash ambient photography is a creative technique that can produce stunning images when used correctly. It requires both technical skill and artistic vision to master, but the outcome is a series of images that capture the essence and beauty of the home in its best light.
Flash ambient photography is a powerful tool utilized by professionals to capture images with an evenly distributed lighting. Through the amalgamation of photos involving flash and ambient light, photographers can create unique and captivating images that are sure to leave a lasting impression. With practice and experimentation, anyone can master this technique and produce stunning images that capture the beauty of the world around us.

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